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Migrate Fossology database

The Fossology database can be migrated from an instance to another. This can be useful if the pipeline needs to be executed without access to the public Fossology instance.

Below is a high-level diagram for what the pipeline looks like utilizing both the internal Fossology and Double Open's database. Provided that the tools are installed, Build Environment, Internal Fossology and Internal Storage do not need access to the public internet during the the build. After the build the source archives that contain source files not on Internal Fossology need to be uploaded to the Double Open Fossology over the internet, and the Internal Fossology needs to be updated from Double Open.


  rect rgb(191, 223, 255)
  note right of Build Environment: Compliance Pipeline
  Build Environment->>Build Environment: Build the project with Yocto
  Build Environment->>Internal Fossology: Query for license data
  Internal Fossology->>Build Environment: Return license data for existing files
  Build Environment->>Internal Storage: Upload source archives
  Internal Storage->>Double Open Fossology: Upload missing source archives
  Double Open Fossology->>Double Open Fossology: New source files are concluded
  Double Open Fossology->>Internal Fossology: Update database
  Build Environment->>Build Environment: Rebuild with updated Fossology database


Create archive from the existing database volume

  1. Get the database volume from existing Fossology instance and create an archive from the volume. The volume is expected to be named fossology_database.
docker run --rm \
  --volume fossology_database:/dbdata:ro \
  --volume $PWD:/backup \
  ubuntu tar czvf /backup/$(date --rfc-3339=date)-database.tar.gz /dbdata

Upload archive

  1. Upload to Digital Ocean Spaces:
s3cmd put $(date --rfc-3339=date)-database.tar.gz s3://doubleopen
  1. Create a copy of the archive named newest-database.tar.gz:
s3cmd cp s3://doubleopen/$(date --rfc-3339=date)-database.tar.gz s3://doubleopen/newest-database.tar.gz

Download archive

  1. s3cmd get s3://doubleopen/newest-database.tar.gz

Create a named Docker volume from the archived database

  1. Create a temporary container with a named volume.
docker create \
  --volume fossy_migration:/dbdata \
  --name fossy_migration \
  busybox true
  1. Extract the database archive to the created volume.
docker run --rm \
  --volumes-from fossy_migration \
  --volume $PWD:/backup:ro \
  ubuntu bash \
  -c "cd /dbdata && tar xvf /backup/newest-database.tar.gz --strip 1"

Launch Fossology

  1. Clone docker-compose.yml for Fossology from
  2. Create a .env file based on .env.example and fill the correct database credentials from the primary Fossolog.
  3. Launch Fossology with docker-compose up -d.